TVLC Services in Louisiana

Everyone experiences challenges; that’s what life is all about. At The Village Life Center, we have services designed to help the one in five youth and young adults in the U.S. living with a mental health condition.


Our schools, especially public and charter schools, with their minimal resources, are struggling to keep up with the responsibilities our society has placed on them. And no matter the reason, the reality is that our country’s children and youth are experiencing challenges unlike any generation before them. And even with phenomenal teachers, state-of-the-art technology, and an exceptional curriculum, when children experience emotional and mental health issues, they will not be successful until we fill in the gaps. We must help them.

At The Village Life Center, our overall goal is to reduce, minimize, or avoid other outside interventions (such as school expulsion or even prison) and see improvements in the student’s grades, ability to pay attention, school attendance, learning, and overall happiness and sense of accomplishment. We are honored to partner with you to make a difference in these students’ lives. 

Foster Care

It’s no wonder that 50% of children and 42% of adolescents in foster care have significant mental health issues or disorders. Life in foster care is unpredictable. Understandably, kids struggle with the instability, uncertainty, and questions that come with being away from their biological family and moving to foster families.

We are here to give help and hope whether you are:

  • a child placement agency (CPA);
  • foster parents;
  • a residential treatment center;
  • Child Protective Services (CPS); or
  • The Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS).


When one person in a family is afflicted with emotional or mental health issues, the entire family is also deeply affected. We help family members learn how to encourage and support their loved one as well as cope with the behaviors, symptoms, and effects of the illness.

Adult and Juvenile Justice Systems

70% of youth in the juvenile justice system have at least one mental health condition. That’s a staggering statistic. Our goal is to help our clients develop life skills that will help reduce recidivism or a return to incarceration. We help our clients manage their return to the responsibilities of school, work, and socializing—the things that make life fun and fulfilling. As an added benefit, judges look favorably on those who seek and find a program of support like ours.

Primary Care Physicians

Primary care physicians today, unlike any time in history, must not only treat physical ailments but also emotional and mental health problems. That’s where we can help. We provide the counseling, treatment plans, and other necessary services that physicians don’t have the time in their busy practice to focus on.